Sergeants 3 highly recommends these websites as invaluable sources for wargamers.
The Virtual Armchair General (TVAG) - A wonderful website that is also the home of rules by Patrick R. Wilson, a good friend of Sergeants 3.
The Miniatures Page (TMP) - The premier miniature gaming website available today; "all the gaming news that's fit to print" can be found at editor Bill Armintrout's site.
Castaway Arts - Home of one of the very few, if not only, figure designers today, Gerry Webb, who has created perfect body proportions and weapons in scale on all his 28mm figures. An ever expanding line of superb figures and Sergeant's 3 International source for ordering TSATF...and then some!
Jackson Gamers'- www.jacksongamers,net Excellent website of that group of gaming comrades, many of whom were the original playtesters of TheSword and The Flame back in 1979. They were also instrumental in developing Chassepot & Needlegun, To the Sound of the Guns, A Glint of Bayonets and many additional TSATF variants. Gentlemen, the 3 Sergeants salute you!
Colonial Wars Yahoo Group - This very large and congenial group is home to many Colonial War gamers. It is truly one of the most civilized and knowledgeable E-groups, and they sponsor the Colonial Rooms at Historicon and now, Cold Wars, each year. Well worth a visit, as you are immediately welcomed and urged to contribute.
Sword and Flame Yahoo Group - At just under 300 members, this group is primarily focused on all things TSATF. It is also made up of civilized "Victorian Gentleman (and Ladies)".
Triangle Simulation Society (TSS) - The site of Historical Wargaming in the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill) of North Carolina and organizers of the convention SouthernFront held each September and one of the oldest historical gaming cons around.