"Bugles, Boots N' Saddles" - Alternate Firing System 2005
Weapon Type Max. RangeFire Points
Springfield Carbine 36" 2 Repeating Rifle 24" 3 Musket 18" 2 Revolver/Pistol 6" 2 Bow - Direct Fire 8" 2 Bow - Indirect Fire 18" 1 Thrown Spear 6" 1 Gatling Gun - Short 18" 9 Gatling Gun - Long 36" 6 Field Gun - Short 24" 12 Field Gun - Long 48" 9
To Fire: Tally all the Fire Points, by weapons type, in the firing unit. Point out the in-range target and roll one D10 with this result:
1, 2 or 3 = 10% of the total firing points as hits. 4, 5 or 6 = 20% of the total firing points as hits. 7 - 10 = No effect. (mis-fires, malfunctions, misses, etc.)
Calculate fractions by the decimal point (.1 - .5 round down., 6. - .9 round up). These hit calculations are based on GOOD targets , i.e. In the Open, In close order, March Columns, Knots or masses). BAD targets , i.e. In Open order, Prone, In cover, In gullies, ravines or structures, and Behind walls, fortifications, etc. Firing at Bad Targets incurs one-half hits (round fractions up) on the target.
Players nust be familiar with all the weapons their figures carry. If multi-armed, a figures can only discharge one weapon per fire phase.
Charging units only count one-half their fire points to calculate hits.
A 1 or 2 on a D10 prior to firing jams a Gatling gun - no fire that phase.
When a unit's fire points get so low as to be ineffective, said unit is removed from play as "out of ammo" and "demoralized".
Dismounted figures that did not move, add 10% to their calculated hits.